Everything you need to create and release your music, including samples, plugins, unlimited distribution, and the world’s best AI mastering engine.

Overview of LANDR

LANDR emerges as an all-encompassing platform for music creation and distribution, offering musicians a unified space for creation, collaboration, mastering, distribution, and promotion of their music. With a curated array of samples and exclusive plugins seamlessly integrating with your Digital Audio Workstation (DAW), LANDR facilitates the realization of your musical vision.

Key Features of LANDR

  • Curated Samples and Exclusive Plugins: LANDR presents a diverse selection of curated samples and exclusive plugins, effortlessly integrating with your DAW to bring your musical ideas to fruition.
  • AI-Driven Mastering Engine: With an innovative AI-driven mastering engine, LANDR listens to your songs and applies a fast, reliable master without relying on presets, ensuring a tailored and high-quality output.
  • Effortless Music Distribution: LANDR simplifies the music distribution process, enabling artists to distribute their work to over 150 streaming platforms seamlessly without disrupting their creative workflow.
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