
Get an AI meeting assistant that records audio, writes notes, captures action items, and generates summaries.

Overview of Otter AI

Otter AI stands as an innovative tool crafted to elevate meeting productivity through automated note-taking and audio transcription services. Seamlessly integrated with Google or Microsoft calendars, it effortlessly joins and records meetings on platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet. Notable features include automated slide capture during virtual meetings and real-time meeting summaries, providing users with an efficient means to stay informed about crucial details and catch up on any missed portions of the meeting.

Key Features of Otter AI

  • Automated Meeting Notes: automates the process of joining and recording meetings, delivering live transcripts that enable team collaboration through comments, key point highlights, and assigned action items.
  • Automated Slide Capture: During virtual meetings, intelligently captures and inserts shared slides into the meeting notes, ensuring a comprehensive context of the discussed content.
  • Live Summary: generates real-time meeting summaries, allowing users to easily catch up on any missed information.
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