
We’re rethinking everything: literature search, alerts, and more.

Overview of ResearchRabbit

ResearchRabbit stands at the forefront of reimagining the research process, introducing a host of features to streamline and elevate the work of researchers. Among these features are literature search, alerts, and more. The tool curates personalized digests, keeping researchers informed about the latest papers relevant to their collections. Interactive visualizations further empower users to explore networks of papers and co-authorships.

Key Features of ResearchRabbit

  • Spotify-Like Experience: ResearchRabbit offers a unique experience akin to Spotify, allowing users to add papers to collections. The tool learns user preferences, refining recommendations for an improved research journey.
  • Personalized Digests: Stay effortlessly updated with ResearchRabbit’s personalized digests, ensuring researchers are informed about the latest papers related to their collections without being inundated with unnecessary information.
  • Interactive Visualizations: Explore networks of papers and co-authorships through interactive visualizations.
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